Wednesday 3 December 2014

Assignment #5 - Title Sequence

Project Brief 

For Assignment #5 I chose the book "Who Do You Think You Are?" by Canadian author Alice Munro as the basis for my title sequence. The book is a collection of short stories that all revolve around a woman named Rose, who consistently reflects on her childhood and adolescence growing up in her small Ontario hometown and attempts to depict exactly what specific moments in her life have shaped who she is in the present day. With the book's themes of finding one's identity and personal dilemma kept in mind, I attempted to reflect these themes through the title sequence, by inserting B-roll style footage of small town life. Each piece of footage individually has its own sense of a mundane and simple life. The lack of people present in the footage and the lack of any dynamic action emulates the personal hollowness that Rose's character suffers from throughout the book as she continuously looks back on her past through memory. 


Finalized Work

Who Do You Think You Are? (2014) Directed by Michael McGowan, starring Emily VanCamp and Neve Campbell from Becky Logan on Vimeo.